DCF Wins $5 Million National Adoption Award

Spends Winnings on Special Needs Children Tallahassee, Fla.— For the fifth straight year, the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) has received an award for going above and beyond to find permanent homes for children.  As part of the Federal Adoption Award, DCF will receive five million dollars to provide services to special needs …

The Spot Family Center Receives Funding

The Spot Family Center, has received funding from Kids Central, Inc. and the Department of Children and Families for local students to receive scholarships for its 2013-2014 After School Enrichment Program which serves students in grades K-7th during the after school hours of 3pm-6pm. The Spot has 10 scholarships remaining. These scholarships are available to …

Grant Comes Home to Marion County

OCALA, FLA. –Kids Central, in partnership with LifeStream and The Centers, has been awarded a $516,295 grant by the State of Florida Department of Children and Families. The funds will be used for the Integration of Substance Abuse, Mental Health and Child Welfare Services Pilot project, delivering intensive services in-home to families suffering with debilitating …


Welcome and thank you! Kids Central was established to meet the needs of the community, children and families, and that’s what this blog is all about. This is our direct, unfiltered link to you, the community. This platform is intended to be a dialogue not a one-way conversation. Kids Central will share its news, stories …
