Pro Football Hall of Famer, Tony Dungy, and the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) recognized six exceptional foster families in Florida by presenting them with their organizations’ joint inaugural Hall of Fame Award on May 3 at a luncheon in Tampa. “This is quite an honor for me to recognize these special families …
ReadAll Pro Dad recognized foster families with awards presented at the 1st Annual Florida Foster Family Hall of Fame Luncheon with Tony Dungy in Tampa. The Johnson family, a foster/adoptive family licensed by Kids Central, was nominated for the Hall of Fame award for their outstanding ability to provide a stable and supportive environment. Not …
ReadBecoming a foster parent is truly one of the most selfless things an individual can do. When my wife and I joined the ranks, I do not think we even considered what we might get out of the adventure. We knew that God was calling us to give of ourselves for the sake of children in need.